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About Us

Bible Land Products is owned by Nana Gifts, a Holy Land gift and souvenir company located in the Galilee. We are a small business and do everything from product development to packing the orders ourselves. It is our prrvidgle to be able to bring the Holy Land to your homes. 

We have worked in t he Israel tourist industray for more than 25 years.This company developed and designs all the the bible land products brand you see on this website. All products are of the highest quality and are made with the heart and soul of the Holy Land in mind. 

Our company's mission is to convey our love for Israel and strengthen the link people feel worldwide tto the cultural and historical treasures in the land. We do this through Educational Games and Biblically inspired home products.

This vision is reflected in the company’s direction and the traditions which which we all live in the Holy Land.

Consequently, all our products are made in Israel.

Our customers include museums, major bookstore chains, educational institutions, gift shops, national parks and more.

Holy Land strives to be a leader In this area, for its variety of innovative and quality products.



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